Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Three months waiting

(The awesome 3)
It has now been three months since my paperwork was registered in Ethiopia for the adoption. Realistically it won't be until August (hopefully) or September (maybe) or even later before I hear about a referral. In the meantime I feel a bit stuck in limbo. I want to plan, paint the nursery, buy cute clothes and prepare for all that will change. But, I don't. I wait. Mostly it's because I can't get over the feeling of it not being real. I'm hoping that seeing her picture will finally make it real for me. There's so much unknown, especially the timing. Do you plan a vacation because you won't travel until next year? Or do you wait and hope for at least one of the two trips to happen before the end of the year.
One thing I have done is put together some spreadsheets (my family, we are very spreadsheet driven, thank you Susan and Erik) that compile all of the tips and information that I've learned through blogs and internet boards. What to take with you when you travel, where to stay when you go, how to deal with attachment issues when you get home, etc. Hopefully it will be a good resource when I actually get to do something.
Next month is the 5th annual EKC Summer Mehaber, a festival at the State Fairgrounds. I haven't registered but I think I will make a point to be there. I'm hoping I won't feel out of place without my child but I'm eager to see what it's all about. The round table discussions sound especially interesting. I bet next year they will be even more so!
What did you do to prepare or pass the time before your referral?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Before/After Blog Hop 6/24/10
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tuesday's show
Tonight I was back in St Paul, this time for the Tom Petty show. Quite a different show from last night! Many drunk rednecks, very funny. Music was awesome, I'm so glad I got the tickets. Tired I will be tomorrow...
Monday, June 21, 2010
Monday's show
Sting comes to St Paul with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Amy and I check it out. Gotta love Sting!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sunday Snapshot - Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Stone Arch arts festival
Riley and I check out the festival by the river today. Not sure what happened to the 80 degree sunshine that was promised but it's still a nice day.
We've met many dogs and there are a bunch of dog related booths. Who knew? Riley might not be having the time of her life but she is getting a lot of treats!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Before/After Blog Hop 6/17/10
Before, a close-up of the hybrid tea rose Tineke, a little dark with a distracting background. Taken with the Olympus SP-590.

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday Snapshot
Today's leisurely walk around Lake Calhoun by the numbers...
32 baby ducklings24 bikes parked around Tin Fish
7 kayakers, including one who'd lost his paddles
4.5 miles from the door, around the lake and back
3 fishing boats, skirting the milfoil bloom
2 George's Dog House stands
2 loons, making me wish I had brought my telephoto lens
2 familiar face sightings, which may be a record number in one walk (not including neighbors)
1:45 time to walk, sniff things, chat, take pictures
1 very sweaty elderly jogger who looked like he was jogging his last mile
1 swaggering teenager, whose shirt proudly announced he was 'going commando' while his low slung pants clearly and thankfully showed he was not
0 sunbathers
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sunday Snapshot
Yesterday was the 16th Annual Jim "Wheat" Bucheit Memorial Golf Tournament. It's put on every year by my good friend Mark and his friends to honor a friend who died much too young. I didn't know him but I have played in the scramble for a few years now (7, 8 maybe?). I've now got Dad on my team and Mom is usually brave enough to ride along. It's always a great time and infinitely better when not going through chemo, like last year. Also like last year it was rainy but about 30 degrees warmer. But then again, a bad day on the course beats a good day at work any time! Thanks to Mark and his friends for another great event!
Pre-rain, somewhere around hole 3
I'm finishing my adventure in GarageBand mixing segments of floor music for the gymnastics team. Pretty sure I didn't work as efficiently as if I'd known what I was doing but the CD is burned and hopefully it will help us train for next year's meet season.
I also near the end of the Great Scanning Project, with almost all of the old 35mm negatives scanned and on the computer. Just some sorting left to do and then
(a little PSA for those who have never lost their hard drive in a fiery crash as I have)
Coming up in a few weeks is the North Central District Rose Show and I am sorting through my garden photos to submit entries in the photography section. Maybe I'll win something this year?
Finally I will fill out more entries in my African travel spreadsheets in anticipation of someday making it to Ethiopia to meet my daughter. I'm glad for the rainy weather today so I won't feel like blowing it all off to lounge around outside. Although, that will probably happen too. Riley is low key with a toothache. She gets her third molar extracted on Wednesday and neither of us is looking forward to that.
How do you spend your Sunday?
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