This weekend's weather was just about as perfect as it could be. The sun was out, the bugs were not and it was just the right temperature for all kinds of outdoor activities. And as an added bonus, the airplane traffic was on the north-south runways so it was relatively quiet as well! Here's what we accomplished this weekend:
-Picked up food at the vet
-Target run for household stuff n stuff
-Painted the new closet (with just enough leftover ceiling paint!)
-Nice long run at the dog park
-Bath for Riley, following the nice long run at the dog park
-Potted 50 or so dahlia tubers
-Set sprinklers up to start getting the grass green
-Photographed afghans for website
-Walked to Lake Calhoun and over to Lake Harriet (gridlock traffic, must be nice out!)
-Grilled steak and ate first dinner out on the deck
-Relaxed and read some magazines
I love getting so much done! And even with all of that, I got to sleep in (a bit, at least until Riley had to go out) and enjoyed a leisurely morning coffee and breakfast. I listen to the neighbors entertaining their kids and know that these weekends won't be the same next summer. I might miss them but am very excited to see what's next for us once the adoption is done!